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[Jul 3 2024] SensorsThe continuous progress of industrial sensor technology has brought new breakthroughs in the field of automated control and intelligent manufacturing. A leading industrial sensor manufacturer has announced the launch of an innovative inductive proximity sensor designed for the high-precision detection of metal objects with a maximum sensing range of 20 mm. Not only does this sensor achieve a sign ...
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[Jul 3 2024] ConnectorsEmbedded systems and robotics are the two pillars of modern science and technology, and they play a vital role in industrial automation, smart home, medical equipment, aerospace and other industries. As the key technology at the intersection of these two fields, the importance of motor control is self-evident. It is not only about the accuracy, response speed and energy efficiency of the system, ...
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[Jul 3 2024] ConnectorsSTMicroelectronics introduces the TSB952 dual operational amplifier (op amp). The new product has a gain bandwidth of 52MHz and a supply current of only 3.3mA per channel at 36V voltage, bringing high performance to designs focused on power consumption. The TSB952's supply voltage range is 4.5V to 36V, allowing for high design flexibility and the use of a variety of power supplies, including indu ...
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[Jul 3 2024] SensorsMelexis announced that the MLX91220 (5V) and MLX91221 (3V) current sensor chips have received a new safety certification (UL/IEC 62368-1). The new sensor chip is now available for systems with higher voltage isolation requirements for SOIC8 and SOIC16 packages. The SOIC8 package provides 715V basic isolation and 307V enhanced isolation, while the SOIC16 package provides up to 1415V basic isolatio ...
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[Jul 2 2024] ConnectorsRectifier relay is a kind of electromagnetic relay which works by the principle of rectifier circuit. This kind of relay plays the role of control and protection in the circuit, and is widely used in electronic equipment, communication system, industrial control and other fields. One of the core characteristics of the relay is the impedance adaptation function, which enables the rectifier relay t ...
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[Jul 2 2024] ConnectorsPower intelligent sensor and sensor network are important components of building a safe and reliable energy power database. They provide accurate data support by monitoring and collecting various parameters and status information of power system in real time, to realize intelligent management and optimized operation of power system. Power smart sensors are sensors installed on power equipment to ...

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Great service as always from this supplier. Already bought many times

Anya*****arroJul 22, 2024

Worked very well! I would highly recommend buying.

Lou*****RileyJul 23, 2024

The best choice, clear and easy to make an order. Gives me full control.

Ryan*****ningJul 20, 2024

I got a very helpful customer service here. Definitely will order my electronics needs again.

Jen*****BaralJul 24, 2024

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Ame*****RileyJul 26, 2024

You're my good supplier. I appreciate OEMstrons on many levels.

Joha*****ntanaJul 26, 2024

I always enjoy shopping with OEMstron, never disappoint me, most dependable, and no long waiting for deliveries.

Jam***** CanoJul 22, 2024

EXACTLY what I was looking for -- one piece with a low forward voltage drop to isolate some DC power sources. They work fantastic!

Kat*****uertaJul 19, 2024

Perfectly satisfied with item. Top supplier on my list.

Ama***** GillJul 20, 2024